
Grow out of your shell Journey

Grow out of your shell Journey

What to expect.

New journey text

This 5-days “Journey: Grow out of your shell” changes your horizon completely!

Do you recognize yourself in the following “statements”:

  • “Am I worth it?…”
  • “Me, pretty? Pffff, yeah right …”
  • “I don’t feel good about myself and could burst out of my skin …”
  • “I could name a thousand and one excuses to …”
  • “I don’t know what to do with myself anymore” …
  • “I’m fat, and I feel ugly…no matter what they tell me …”
  • “Who wants to develop a relationship with me together?” …
  • “I don’t like seeing myself, how can I like seeing someone else …”
  • “I really don’t know how to dress/or I prefer to hide in black…then no one sees me, then I don’t stand out too much.”


If you have decided that enough is enough and that you want to do something about it to, among other things, turn the above questions/statements around in a positive way… then step 1has been taken….

Step 2 is to join us in “your Journey” with others who also want answers to these questions.

I myself can attest to what an emotional rollercoaster you go through and how you can learn to love yourself back most of all.

Two years ago, I myself weighed 102 Kg. I decided enough was enough. I literally followed all kinds of diets and nothing helped. My health began to suffer, I became short of breath, had palpitations, was exhausted at the slightest exertion, had swollen legs … all alarm bells went off.

I necessarily underwent a “gastric bypass” and lost 43 Kg. However, many underestimate what it does to you emotionally and that is where I would like to do my part. Both as a “mental coach” and a sharer, I love to help you shine back, be self-confident in life and above all, love yourself.

Available languages:

Dutch, French, English, German


Tenerife, France, Belgium

Current scheduled dates:

Available soon

Can’t keep up on these dates or are you interested in personalized Journey? Then contact us using the button below:


Grow out of your shell Journey

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