
Personal Growth Journey

Personal Growth Journey

What to expect.

New journey text

After attending this 4-day program on “personal growth journey” you will:

  • stand your ground
  • know what your top 5 talents are
  • know what gives you energy and what eats up energy
  • how to monitor the proper balance between battery charging and discharging
  • know how to connect, honestly and sincerely with yourself and others

Day 1: Discover your talents

Day 2: Step outside your comfort zone

Day 3: Energy flows where attention goes

Day 4: Connect with yourself and others

Available languages:

Dutch, French, English, German


Tenerife, Own location, France, Belgium

Current scheduled dates:

Available soon

Can’t keep up on these dates or are you interested in personalized Journey? Then contact us using the button below:


Personal Growth Journey

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Journey periode