

“Your investment in yourself is a lifelong process.”

Discover your natural talents and hone your competencies.

Your strength

Sometimes you benefit from sharpening certain competencies. This can be done by attending specific training courses where useful tools are provided.

Be surrounded by excellent colleagues.
Discover their talents and join forces.
Be an inspiration yourself.

Jump2Grow - Mental coaching Jump
Jump2Grow - Team of Experts

A team of experts

Certain topics I teach together with colleagues – all experts in their fields – where you are the focus.

We want to help both you, and your teammates, discover the best version of themselves – grow into it – and then put it into daily practice.

Training topics

You have competencies and you have talents. However, there is a difference between the two and they are often confused with each other.

A competency can be taught … a talent … you have that by nature.
Everyone has talents.

Did you know you have 34?

When I discovered my talents several years ago, I had several “aha moments”.
I finally understood what I stood for and why certain things energized me and others demanded so much of me.
I started to delve into the various subject matters, took Train-the-Trainer courses myself and offer the courses below, among others.

If you would like more information on these topics, feel free to send me an email and let’s get acquainted.

Then we will schedule an introductory meeting.
Everything starts with a good conversation, right? I am already looking forward to it …


Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!