
Caring for healthcare with care

We mainly focus on health care professionals and patients in residential care centers, rehabilitation centers, hospitals

Why choose Jump2Grow

As a Vitality Coach/Trainer, I want to make a valuable contribution to sharing knowledge and connecting sectors. My experience in private – linked to my personal – health experiences, makes me want to give something back to the healthcare sector: both to healthcare institutions, healthcare professionals and patients, not as a doctor of course, but based on experiences and methodologies.

Experience boxes for
healthcare professionals & patients

With the Jump2Grow Experience Box, we aim to create a win-win situation for both healthcare professionals and patients in stressful and anxious moments by:

  • Optimize the well-being status of the patient.
  • Putting the quality of care for healthcare with care at the center.
  • Guide healthcare professionals toward effective and vital leadership both for patients and themselves

To do this, we use the methodology of the physical, mental, emotional and Jump2Grow battery which we relate to the vital pattern of caregiver and patient

We find out what the challenges are for the healthcare professional. Workload too high? Understaffed? Lack of cooperation? Not enough self-care due to caring for others?….

What about patients who struggle with pain, anxiety, sometimes loneliness, need for social contact. We strengthen both healthcare professionals and those in need of care physically, mentally and emotionally.

After an intake interview, we offer your organization an experience box that includes the Zenspire. We’ll walk you through how to use this box to healthcare professionals and patients. We care together with care for care.

We are still in the process of designing these boxes. But you can already put yourself on the waiting list

Advantages of these boxes

For both patients and staff

With the experience boxes, we bring expertise to healthcare. The experience box offers a unique opportunity to transfer knowledge and expertise from the private world to the healthcare sector. In this way we enrich the healthcare sector with new insights and perspectives.... The experience box contains a diverse range of resources, from the Zenspire as a support tool around stress management, among other things, to key cards around communication, motivation, work pressure, anxiety, . .. We offer solutions for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Variety of tools

We offer a unique escape from stimulus overload. Using various tools, such as the Zenspire and guided meditations, you learn to deconnect from the outside world and connect with your own body and mind. In this way, to strengthen the relationship between caregiver, patient and healthcare facility ...

Shaping the experience box together

Providing care with care ... Happy to engage with you. What are your day-to-day challenges as a healthcare professional? The workload is high, understaffing, working with colleagues, being able to take good care of yourself to continue caring for others.... We also think of the patients who struggle with their pain, fears, sometimes loneliness, need for social contact. Please also encourage them with the useful tools so that they also strengthen physically, mentally and emotionally.

Who are we?

I am Ingrid Vossen, proud founder of Jump2grow, Vitality coach/trainer.

I bring change to people’s behavior by getting them to listen to their bodies to promote health, enjoyment and performance . Both professionally and personally. Together with an adapted team of experts.

Team of experts

Ollivier Lamberg

Sports & Mental business coach

Short bio

Nicolas Vergauwen

Expert ergonomics - Osteopath D.O.

Short bio

Valérie Butruille

Career Coach

Short bio


Sabine Q.
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Unfortunately, I was hit with the big "K" and had both chemo and radiotherapy. The catheter placement, the surgery to place a prosthesis, the endless examinations, my great fear of the needle ... terrible! Also the stress involved, the constant thoughts going through my head ... Then someone talked to me about heart coherence.

Heart coherence? I had never heard of it before. She knew Ingrid and asked her to get in touch with me. We scheduled a conversation and she explained to me how the tool she works with could help me. I call it my "magic power globe".It guides me every day. Three times a day is now my standard routine that I have built in. Its effect lasts about 4 to 5 hours. The inner peace I have regained as a result is worth its weight in gold. Even when I have to go for an examination, undergo yet another prick... I take him with me so that I can prepare myself mentally - emotionally and physically.
Anne-Lise B.
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My 3-year-old daughter sleeps very badly. She wakes up frequently, lies tossing and turning, has fear of the dark ... and I too began to suffer. My colleague listened to my concerns and told me that she was working with a tool called the "Zenspire."

At bedtime, she gives them to her 5-year-old son each time. He puts it on his tummy and watches the light change color and listens to the music as he closes his eyes. He falls asleep like a log. Naturally, I was intrigued and wanted to try this too. She also works with it for herself and does heart coherence three times a day. Through through she put me in touch with Ingrid and I decided to just make the investment. We are now 5 months on and my princess sleeps like a rose and I am a reassured mom and now use it daily.


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